What is your trading routine?

what is your daily routine

What does a typical day in the life of Nick Radge look like? What does your daily trading routine look like?

I’m a little bit different to other professional traders. I’m what’s called an end of day trader, which means I download my data at the end of each day. I run my strategies, place my orders for the next day, and that’s it. I don’t sit and watch prices throughout the day. I’ve got better things to do in my life than that. So generally first thing in the morning we run our US strategies, and I place those orders. That tends to be done by 8 or 8:30 in the morning. Once that’s done, I’m done with the US market until the next day. Then after the ASX bell each evening, I download the data, run our strategies, place those orders and then I’m done.

That’s pretty well the routine. It doesn’t take long. Some of our strategies take only five or ten minutes. That seems a little bit difficult to understand for some people, I understand, but it’s taken 30 years to get to that point. Everything we do is predominantly automated now; the computer does most things. We simply put our account balance in the computer, it tells us how many shares to buy, where to buy, where to sell, and it can actually place the orders for us too.

What do I do for the rest of the day? I also talk to clients, test other strategies and do research. When I’m not working I go fishing, I read a lot, go to the gym. Trading is a good lifestyle job.

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