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Refund policy

We’ve put a great deal of work into creating a fantastic product for you to use and all of the value in The Chartist resources is available to you as soon as you login.

During the 14-day trial period you can review our material to work out whether or not our content is right for you. You have that time to make a clear decision as to whether or not you are going to proceed.

If you continue with us after the trial, you're in!

It is then up to you to make the best use of our material. If you choose not to do anything from that time forward, for whatever reason, that is your choice. We’re happy to support people using our material. We don’t provide refunds simply because your circumstances have changed or you change your mind.

You can cancel your membership here at any time.

There is no refund on monthly memberships.

You may request a refund on your annual membership if your request is received within 30 days of your first membership payment. The amount refunded will be the annual fee less an administration fee of $198. (eg. $1980 less $198 = refund of $1782 for the Chartist Pro.)

There is no refund on eBooks, Turnkey Code, the Chartist Smart API, Beginner’s Guide to Building Trading Systems course or the Trading System Mentor Course.

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