Technical Analysis Explained Inside-Out

Technical Analysis explained

Technical analysis explained- and who better to explain it than Nick Radge? Nick chats with Owen Rask about all things technical analysis.

This interview was hosted by SelfWealth <– use this affiliate link to get your first 5 trades free*.

The Chartist originally started as a technical analysis portal with daily chart research. We still provide chart research each weekday for members however Nick’s trading strategies are now systematic rather than discretionary. Discretionary technical traders will look at a chart and use technical analysis to make decisions whether to buy or sell a stock. A systematic trader uses the charts to build a trading strategy and then code the rules of that strategy into software such as RealTest. RealTest needs a data source and Nick Radge uses Norgate Premium Data. This data allows him to backtest his strategies to see how they would have performed in the past and then help him decide whether the strategy should work into the future.

In this video, Nick talks about how he mentors traders and teaches them how to design and code their own trading strategies. You can read more about Nick Radge’s Trading System Mentor Course here.