Best Trading Resources

What is the one trading resource you couldn’t live without?

I would say there are 2 trading resources that I couldn’t live without. The first would be the ability to back test our strategies. I am the kind of person that needs to understand what the strategy is and why it works (or doesn’t). I want to know how it operates, how it’s operated in the past, and backtesting will give me a good understanding on how it’s expected to operate in the future. So the software we currently use is RealTest.

The second is quality data. We use Norgate Data and it is the cleanest, most reliable data I’ve come across. RealTest with Norgate Data is the package of trading resources I couldn’t live without.

What is one book you believe is a must read for any trader just starting out?

I think if you’re an absolutely beginner, Trading for a Living by Dr. Alexander Elder would be a very good start as a very basic introductory book. It’s an oldie but a goodie, a great place to start. If you’re more specific in your needs, for example that you want to manage your super fund, be an active investor, my book, Unholy Grails, would be a great place to start because it builds a strong foundation without going into all sorts of other areas. Those two books would probably be the best.


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