The Benefits of a trading buddy

Benefit of a trading buddy

Do you have a trading buddy?

One way to step up your trading skills and pull bigger profits is something most people don’t consider.

It also costs nothing, except a little time.

What is it?

A ‘trading buddy’.

A trading buddy is someone who’s at the same trading level as you and you both aspire to improve; a supportive friend to help you get there.

You compare trading plans. Review educational resources. Research ideas. Provide honest feedback and suggestions.

And here’s the clincher. A trading buddy is better than a diary. You prop each other up when things get tough.

When that internal chatter gets too loud, sets its hook of doubt. Your buddy is there to support you. Help you see the forest from the trees. Keep you moving forward toward your goals.

After all, it’s that negative internal chatter that causes so many traders to come unstuck.

If you don’t have a trading buddy now, how do you get one?

You may find one if you attends like our Noosapalooza®.

The relationships you make at this intimate event could be some of the most beneficial you’ll ever enjoy in your trading career.

Note: This is not only about technical analysis. Far from it. We cover value investing, portfolio tracking software, investing in bonds, SMSFs, trading systems and more.

Some delegates are new to trading. Others have decades of experience and are coming to Noosapalooza® again. The intimate size of the event means you’ll connect with other delegates and presenters.

At the end of the event you’ll walk away with newfound knowledge and wisdom. And maybe a brand new ‘trading buddy’